
Welcome to The Reserve at Woodside website!  Please make sure and register on this site to receive emails from the HOA Board of Directors and the Property Manager.   This website can also serve as an Online Directory.  
Your information will not be used for any other purpose but to receive information from the Homeowners Association.  There are several areas in the website that are password protected so make sure and register!!!  If you have any questions or issues please contact Kevin Schwarz with Ardsley Management.
News Articles
Architectural Requests
Posted on Jun 14th, 2022
Do not forget prior to doing any exterior changes must be approved by the Architectural Committee.   Click here for the form you will need for submission.  Make sure and also supply a copy of your plat map with the location of the improvement drawn in on the map and plans for the improvement. 
if you have questions please feel free to contact Robin Guyon with Ardsley Management at Rguyon@ardsleymgmt.com.
Posted on Jun 14th, 2022
Welcome to The Reserve at Woodside HOA's new website.   please make sure and register for the site so you can access all areas.   You can decide how much you want seen for the directory as it will provide  you options.   You can also choose if you want to be included in the online directory.   We will use this site as way to communicate with all neighbors regarding social events, alerts, common area issues and reminders.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the HOA, please feel free to reach out to Robin Guyon with Ardsley Management at Rguyon@ardsleymgmt.com.
Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Management Company
Ardsley Management
Kevin Schwarz, Community Association Manager
(317) 259-0383 x227
Taylor Wells, Accounts Receivable
(317) 259-0383 x225
Board of Directors
Please login to view this area.